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The result of the tournament is here.
Basic Principles in Free-style fight (Kumite)
1) One bout shall last two
minutes and one extension for two minute. Victory is awarded to
the contestant;
-Who has scored Ippon (full point, KO) or 3 points, which makes
one full point.
-Who won by decision.
-Whose opponent was disqualified to take part in the bout without
good reason. |
2) In case of a draw in
extension at 1st and 2nd round the lighter one shall be in
advantage. In the finals one bout shall last two minutes and one
extension to two minutes. Even if, after an extension, is not possible
to make a decision, the decision shall be made by the weight difference
(5kg) between competitors. When the weight difference (5kg) is not
reached on the basis of the judgement between competitors, a draw
is declared and the last one-minute extension is granted. Even if
after two extensions, is not possible to make a decision, the decision
shall be made after considering the weight difference between competitors.
The lighter one shall be in advantage at the last extension. |
1. Ippon for strikes
(such as punches or kicks). (Two wazaari
for Ippon, three points for Ippon) |
Appropriate metsuki (eye
attacks) to the official goggle on the face is allowed. When metsuki
is hit to the eyes point 1 is declared, if the metsuki is appropriate
wazaari is declared. Punching to the face is allowed but no plural
strikes to the goggle allowed (foul declared).
Appropriate attacks to the body and an opponent is not able to stand
up in three seconds or he is unable to fight any more. In three
seconds the opponent stand, wazaari is declared. High kicks hit
to the opponent face without guard, point 1 is declared and two
points are equal to wazaari 1. And 3 point is declared for Ippon.
2. Ippon for tachikansetsu-waza(joint
manipulation techniques) (Two wazaari for
Ippon, three points for Ippon) |
Appropriate joint manipulating
and an opponent fall down to the ground, also lock the joints of
the arm, elbow or shoulders and when he taps (over three points
of the opponents body must be touched to the ground such as foot,
knee, hand or elbow etc.)
Even the opponent do not tap by being held joints but still contestant
taking in control and posing punch or kick immediately, the contestant
gets wazaari 1. If he fails to lock and hold the joints and leave
the arms or any joints and the finish punch or kick pose is efficient
in the appropriate range point 1 is declared. Point 2 is equal to
wazaari 1 and point 3 declares the contestant victory. Only in the
transferring from taking opponents' joints (such as throwing) within
5 seconds of the fight on the ground is allowed.
Fouls |
A: |
Plural knuckle punch attacks to the
goggle. |
B: |
Deliberately slide or take off the
goggle. |
C: |
By any attacks such as metsuki and
an opponent shows his back, contestant is declared point 1
or wazaari. |
D: |
Any attacks to an opponent who is
down on the ground when over three part of the body is touched
to the ground such as foot, knees, hands, elbows etc. |
E: |
Any tackle to the body, knees and
head or neck. |
F: |
Grabbing with one hand to the clothes
is allowed. |
G: |
Any other fouls the judge admits. |
H: |
Caution is declared for the fouls
to a participant and when two cautions are declared the opponent
gets wazaari 1, which is equal to genten 1, and when 3 cautions
are declared the competitor is disqualified. |
I: |
When the judge sees bad attitude
or bad behavior. |
Disqualification |
A: |
Fouls are declared the caution to
a participant and two cautions give the opponent wazaari 1,
which is equal to genten 1, and three cautions get disqualified
to a competitor. |
B: |
When participants do not obey the
judge or bad behavior in the bout. |
C: |
When participants are late for the
tournament or do not take part in. |
D: |
Over one minute without any attack. |
E: |
Impolite attitude or bad behavior. |
F: |
Three cautions are declared. |
G: |
Couch or second mob the judges or
opponent, all the dojo people are declared to leave the stadium. |
H: |
Weigh over in light weight class,
genten or disqualified. |
Others |
A: |
Groin protector is required. |
B: |
Bear hands are required. |
C: |
Protectors are prepared and wore
by themselves. |
D: |
Tapes to the body are allowed. |
E: |
Wear clean clothes. Innerwear is
not allowed. |
F: |
Clothes must have sleeves over 5cm
from the elbows. |
G: |
No torn clothes in use for further
matches(an extra dogi required to prepare ). |
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